Monday, 28 September 2009

Passing on a good word

We all need praise. It feels good to have a pat on the back or a kind word said to us especially from our peers.

Try getting students to build this positive discussion into their lessons and get the them to review each others work feeding back on what's and why it's good.

Organise the lesson using model work to allow them to see what is a good piece of work and get the class to then create a success criteria. This will allow them to create work of high standard and also allow them to review their peers work and not only highlight what's been done well but also build positive speaking relationships in the classroom.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Banana splits

In case you dont know what I am talking about!!

Musical Break

I have found that by using music as timing cues for students in class is a useful tool.

So far we have had many pop and rock tunes, classical numbers and (my personal favourite) cartoon theme tunes!!

See what works for you...banana splits rule!

Friday, 25 September 2009

Role reversal

Make it interesting...get your students to take the class. It gives them the opportunity to:
  • plan and organise the lesson,
  • see what goes into the job of being a teacher,
  • use their own opinion and show evidence of team work and cooperation
  • and allow them to gain experience of seminar work at KS5 and name a few!

Whats the answer...s?

Try setting work for your students which allows them to investigate an area / topic which gives them the opportunity to come to a multitude of individual conclusions - then discuss them.

Sometimes there is no right or wrong answer...but do students realise this?

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

The 'Bruce Campbell' philosophy

I love Bruce Campbell films. They are trashy and in the main low budget but you can always count on one thing - Bruce loved every minute of it!

Shouldnt that be where we are in our work place?

Ask yourself the question - 'Why do we work?'

We work because we have to, because we have become accustomed to the income we have etc... but how many of us work because we love our jobs? Because we come home each day fired up by what we have been through that day?

Many people will say they enjoy elements of their jobs - some of the people they work with, some of the responsibilities that they may have - but how many can say they love their whole job??

We all have dream jobs (I have two: archaeologist and working in films) and believe that these would bring us fulfilment and would be the jobs we would be happiest doing...but without the 'Bruce Campbell Philosophy' in evidence nothing (to quote the big man) will ever be 'Groovy baby!'

How much are we valued?

What are we worth? I mean to those around us how much do they value us or do they only value what we do or bring to the 'table'?
For many years I have been looking for a recognition of my value and worth in the job that I do and its really clear to me that this has been a mistake in so many ways. Some of the stakeholders you work with make you feel valued and this is important but can be easily smashed by those around you who see no worth in what you do unless it benefits them in some way.
In an environment where we are constantly encouraged to praise and lift up the students we work with, the amount of praise and lifting up we receive from those around us is limited to those we have become close to.
Unless of course you are 'important'. Unless you are one of those for whom time is given for development and opportunities are shared.
My conclusion is this. Its been said that you can live under the radar and never be noticed - for example shows like X-factor unearth talented people who never got the breaks. However, I also believe its true that for some the radar is never pointed in their direction and so they tick along doing good things but never are lifted up - unless they hit an area which makes others look good for a moment in time.

So where does worth come from? Those we love, care for and trust, family and friends, a belief structure of some kind, an idea of faith.

WE are ALL worth A LOT. In fact we are all IRREPLACEABLE in this world and what we need to do is make sure that those around us who we care about know this.

Its all about being an encourager of others. Giving out not getting in.

So let those who ignore you continue to do so. Those who matter to you are the ones who are saying 'Go for it! You can do it!' These are the people who matter - the ones who give you worth...and I thank all of those who do this for me.

Friday, 18 September 2009

We're on a road to...somewhere....

Talking Heads had it almost right we are on a road...but to somewhere.
Start the lesson by giving out the final destination and getting students to trace the lesson back to the learnin objectives. Needs careful planning but very interesting!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Happy Talky Talky...

Encourage students to talk more in your lessons. Focused learning chat brings a real buzz to the classroom and allows all students access to achieving in that lesson.

End with a summarising exercise e.g. 5 things youve found out today

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

word for today


focusing in

Why do we set large targets for students in class? Surely the journey they are on require small steps to build the foundation and confidence before taking the leap forward?

Look at your learning objectives and check they arent too big to be achieved...maybe even let the students set their own. After all its them we are trying to get to achieve these objectives so they should be set from the point they are at NOT the point we are at. Otherwise they will always be too big.

Think about it...

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Dangerous Doggy

Does anyone else think this may be 'the brain' in disguise from Pinky and the Brain?

Vantage Point

I am beginning to see that it is not what you know or who you know that moves you on but where you are positioned at a particular point in time.

Right place right time....can anyone tell me where the next one is please?

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Making waves

Frustration + Unfulfilled dreams = Motivation for change

Monday, 7 September 2009

Thought for the day

When life throws you lemons make lemonade....when life throws you!

Saturday, 5 September 2009


If we live in the past then the present will pass us and the future never come into view

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Crossing the line

I believe that there is an opportunity for all of us to become leading lights in the field we are called to work in.

However, we need to make sure we are always looking to recognise the opportunities in our lives and take them when they comes up.

Behind or on the line is where most of us stay for our careers...I want to cross the line so throw the opportunities my way and let me have the chance to take them.

Thank you to those who have encouraged me so far...I'm believing that this year will be a year of movement.

Heres to moving into the zone of the unknown and to looking behind me for the line!!!

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

On the outside looking in...

It has become clear over the past few years that there are a lot of people with very good, creative ideas sat currently on the outside of the 'circle of influence' in education looking in but unable to get a break.

Its about time some of those inside that circle stopped patting each other on the back, turn round and acknowledge that its either time to give up their seat...or make room for others.

Hopefully this will happen then those new members can get the rest to continue to look behind them and realise that the future is now.

Im still walking round the circle but hoping for the breakthrough....