So this is chapter one of the book with no title as of this point in time, please read and let me know what you think
Book One: The Pieces Are in Place
Chapter One
They say the most difficult thing about writing a book is starting it. Most people have a raft of ideas yet they don't know where to begin. They look at lists of words and names and scenarios and can tell you all the highlights yet starting it, well that a different story.
As you may now have guessed I am one of those people.
So let's start at the end. Everyone got what was coming to them, the end.
Now we know where we are going all I have to do is fill in the gaps. Shouldn't be too hard!
Our story begins on a dark stormy night in the middle of November just outside of London.
The wind whistled round the buildings, driving the rain under the doors of houses and into gaps in windows. In a small house looking out of his window was John. He watched with anticipation hoping that this storm might lead to some thunder and lightning but as yet this hadn't happened. On a scale of 1 to 10 this storm was so far pulling a solid 3.
Outside something was moving in the wind. You couldn't pick it out but in the corner of your eye you knew something was there. It rolled with the wind and hid behind bins and in dark corners, and slowly it was making its way to John's house.
John stared intently at the weather outside. His nose was pushed up against the glass and he could see his breath condensing on the glass when he breathed out. He was counting the number of bin lids rolling down the street whilst racing two raindrops down the window. Lefty had it in the bag until the last two inches when righty took over and won. John had bet on righty and now owed himself a milkshake in the morning.
Suddenly he pulled back from the window. Something had caught his eye. He wasn't certain what it was but he knew something as there. He leant back into the glass and looked again. Nothing. He was going mad.
BANG! A stone bounced off the window right in front of his nose. He shot backwards falling off the bed and onto the floor. He fought to untangle himself from a pile of clothes as he struggled back to the window. Slowly he moved back to a position where he could see. Looking to the left he couldn't see anything moving so he scanned his eyes across the horizon in front of him. As he looked to the right he finally caught sight of what had thrown the stone. John closed his eyes, looked again then rubbed his eyes and looked again. 'No way!' he exclaimed. Standing on the bin front of his house waving at him was, well, him.
John stepped away from the window and thought for a couple of moments. He argued with himself about the idea of reflection on the glass and other scientific answers to the fact that he, well a copy of him, was standing outside his house on a bin lobbing stones at his window. After a deep breath he decided to go down and look for real at what was out there. At this moment in time I am sure there are many of you who are shouting 'Don't go outside!' or words to that effect. We have all seen the films where people go outside or into dark alleys or say things like 'I will be right back!' John had seen them too and he wasn't going to take any chances. He picked up his Dad's driver which was sat with the other golf clubs by the front door. He opened the door and walked gingerly outside.
'Took you long enough, where have you been!?' the 'John' double said.
John walked towards the bins and stopped with his head cocked on one side like a dog looking at a treat. 'Who are you?' he managed to ask.
'I am you.' the voice replied 'but we have no time to talk about this now. We have to go its important we get back to the gate before it closes. I will explain on the way. Please trust me.'
Everything inside John that had been instilled in him since he was a small boy wanted to run away and shout 'stranger' whilst pointing at this figure. Yet the bottom line was it looked like him. How could he not trust himself? Slowly he walked towards the figure.
'Ok, let's go' he said.
A hand reached towards him taking hold of his hand, there was a whooshing noise and the world began to spin. About 10 seconds later John felt his feet hit solid ground. He turned around and behind there was a large archway. Standing at the archway was a small figure beckoning him to come forward. He took two steps forward and then began to fall. It felt like an age before he hit the ground, and he remembered screaming the whole way!
'Are you ok? The first time you transport it can be a bit of a head spinner!'
John looked up and tried to focus on where the voice was coming from. Everything was blurred and spinning and he definitely felt like his lasagne from earlier may be making its way up for a repeat performance.
'Thanks,' he mumbled and took of the hand that was outstretched towards him. 'Where am I?'
The body attached to the hand helped John to his feet and he began to feel more human. He was aware of the light in his eyes and the smell of flowers, somewhere near there was traffic of some kind and he was sure that he could hear music.
'Take it slow. We are in no hurry, well some hurry, but not enough of a hurry for you to get hurt in anyway,'
John blinked and focused on the voice in front of him. Slowly the figure came into focus. It was amazing this guy looked exactly like him in everyday. This couldn't be happening, he must be dreaming, it will be ok he will wake up in a minute.
The voice shocked him back to reality.
'You are trying to work out if this is a dream aren't you? Well it isn't. Yes I look like you, because I am you, in a different dimension.'
(Yes I know what you are all thinking 'Oooo another different dimension story, like that's original!' The thing is though at this point in time you don't know what the dimension is. It could be where all the dreams you have in life come true, or where world peace has been achieved or where the author of books pay readers to carry on reading until the end and not stop now because they think they have read it all before!
Calm 2,3,4... Ok so shall we continue?)
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