We are currently in the loop of report writing and have reached Yr9. We made a decision a couple of years ago to start the RE
GCSE in Yr9 and so I was setting my class a
GCSE question for assessment.
I teach both top sets which have similar data in terms of
FFT and similar students.
Without actually meaning to do this - honestly - I set one group up with the question and let them use their books and their notes to help them to answer the questions
(SET A).
The other group
(SET B) had time in class to plan the question and then took books home to revise. They then completed the questions on paper with no reference to their books.
The results varied dramatically.
Set A - worked from their own notes in class
FFT mark range = A - D
Predicted % A*- C = 90%
Results of
GCSE question = 40% A*-C
Set B - planned answers and took home to revise
FFT mark range = A - C
Predicted % A* - C = 100%
Result of
GCSE question = 83% A* - C
So the plan seems to be the thing. Next time I will reverse this and see whether it impacts the groups in anyway.
This seems to have unearthed something I already knew but maybe
dont spend enough time working on...