Saturday, 31 December 2011

As the year turns...

As we end 2011, I am so glad (with the exception of the news of our first child on its way) to be out.

The whole year was difficult with the end horrific with an injury at work and the feeling that support isnt forthcoming - though my team were and continue to be amazing, you know who you are!!!! - the continued pain and feelings of disappointment and at times loneliness all add to a fight to get through.

The end of 2011 and beginning of a new year bring new hope and (in a couple of weeks) new arrival!

May 2012 bring you blessings and breakthrough in all areas of your lives.

All the best :)

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Chapter One...

Thanks for some of the feedback on chapter one of the book with no name - yet...

Please feel free to add comments to the site, if you havent seen it yet take a look.


Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Chapter One of the story - still no title...

So this is chapter one of the book with no title as of this point in time, please read and let me know what you think


Book One: The Pieces Are in Place

Chapter One

They say the most difficult thing about writing a book is starting it. Most people have a raft of ideas yet they don't know where to begin. They look at lists of words and names and scenarios and can tell you all the highlights yet starting it, well that a different story.

As you may now have guessed I am one of those people.

So let's start at the end. Everyone got what was coming to them, the end.

Now we know where we are going all I have to do is fill in the gaps. Shouldn't be too hard!

Our story begins on a dark stormy night in the middle of November just outside of London.

The wind whistled round the buildings, driving the rain under the doors of houses and into gaps in windows. In a small house looking out of his window was John. He watched with anticipation hoping that this storm might lead to some thunder and lightning but as yet this hadn't happened. On a scale of 1 to 10 this storm was so far pulling a solid 3.

Outside something was moving in the wind. You couldn't pick it out but in the corner of your eye you knew something was there. It rolled with the wind and hid behind bins and in dark corners, and slowly it was making its way to John's house.

John stared intently at the weather outside. His nose was pushed up against the glass and he could see his breath condensing on the glass when he breathed out. He was counting the number of bin lids rolling down the street whilst racing two raindrops down the window. Lefty had it in the bag until the last two inches when righty took over and won. John had bet on righty and now owed himself a milkshake in the morning.
Suddenly he pulled back from the window. Something had caught his eye. He wasn't certain what it was but he knew something as there. He leant back into the glass and looked again. Nothing. He was going mad.

BANG! A stone bounced off the window right in front of his nose. He shot backwards falling off the bed and onto the floor. He fought to untangle himself from a pile of clothes as he struggled back to the window. Slowly he moved back to a position where he could see. Looking to the left he couldn't see anything moving so he scanned his eyes across the horizon in front of him. As he looked to the right he finally caught sight of what had thrown the stone. John closed his eyes, looked again then rubbed his eyes and looked again. 'No way!' he exclaimed. Standing on the bin front of his house waving at him was, well, him.

John stepped away from the window and thought for a couple of moments. He argued with himself about the idea of reflection on the glass and other scientific answers to the fact that he, well a copy of him, was standing outside his house on a bin lobbing stones at his window. After a deep breath he decided to go down and look for real at what was out there. At this moment in time I am sure there are many of you who are shouting 'Don't go outside!' or words to that effect. We have all seen the films where people go outside or into dark alleys or say things like 'I will be right back!' John had seen them too and he wasn't going to take any chances. He picked up his Dad's driver which was sat with the other golf clubs by the front door. He opened the door and walked gingerly outside.
'Took you long enough, where have you been!?' the 'John' double said.
John walked towards the bins and stopped with his head cocked on one side like a dog looking at a treat. 'Who are you?' he managed to ask.
'I am you.' the voice replied 'but we have no time to talk about this now. We have to go its important we get back to the gate before it closes. I will explain on the way. Please trust me.'

Everything inside John that had been instilled in him since he was a small boy wanted to run away and shout 'stranger' whilst pointing at this figure. Yet the bottom line was it looked like him. How could he not trust himself? Slowly he walked towards the figure.
'Ok, let's go' he said.

A hand reached towards him taking hold of his hand, there was a whooshing noise and the world began to spin. About 10 seconds later John felt his feet hit solid ground. He turned around and behind there was a large archway. Standing at the archway was a small figure beckoning him to come forward. He took two steps forward and then began to fall. It felt like an age before he hit the ground, and he remembered screaming the whole way!

'Are you ok? The first time you transport it can be a bit of a head spinner!'

John looked up and tried to focus on where the voice was coming from. Everything was blurred and spinning and he definitely felt like his lasagne from earlier may be making its way up for a repeat performance.

'Thanks,' he mumbled and took of the hand that was outstretched towards him. 'Where am I?'

The body attached to the hand helped John to his feet and he began to feel more human. He was aware of the light in his eyes and the smell of flowers, somewhere near there was traffic of some kind and he was sure that he could hear music.

'Take it slow. We are in no hurry, well some hurry, but not enough of a hurry for you to get hurt in anyway,'

John blinked and focused on the voice in front of him. Slowly the figure came into focus. It was amazing this guy looked exactly like him in everyday. This couldn't be happening, he must be dreaming, it will be ok he will wake up in a minute.


The voice shocked him back to reality.

'You are trying to work out if this is a dream aren't you? Well it isn't. Yes I look like you, because I am you, in a different dimension.'

(Yes I know what you are all thinking 'Oooo another different dimension story, like that's original!' The thing is though at this point in time you don't know what the dimension is. It could be where all the dreams you have in life come true, or where world peace has been achieved or where the author of books pay readers to carry on reading until the end and not stop now because they think they have read it all before!
Calm 2,3,4... Ok so shall we continue?)

Anyone know any publishers that might like to look at my story?

Having just had a poem published I jumped into the writing lark with both feet and began a story. I have just reached 11,000 words and think this might be getting a bit big. I have been wandering through the world of publishing books but not sure how to go about it. Seems a big world with a lot of rules - so if anyone knows shortcuts or has family or friends involved in the business let me know!

When time stands still...

It seems amazing to me how we all slo back into Christmas ways. We have sausages for breakfast in our family - think that has something to do with my Grandad, my wife has a brown sauce mix on her Christmas pudding - think gravy without the meat element!

We also slip into thoughts of bygone days when life was easier and responsibilities seem to ebb away for all of 48-72hours.

As we move towards 2012 and the imminent arrival of 'little Skellon' I wish we could hold onto the bygone days as somehow that period over Christmas seems manageable.

This coming year will see lots of changes to the lives of myself, my wife and those around me. I will keep this up to date in orde to chronicle some of these as they come along.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

New computer...

Very excited as new computer arrived... touch screen, bit of a gimmick but will allow me to play 'minority report' with my files and folders.  After a couple of days and many emails its clear touch screen doesnt work...sent it back...getting new one...grrrrrrrr

Monday, 8 August 2011

I believe in creativity but ....

Oh my life...well who did it?  Hands up who Cher Lloyds drive to number one?

I mean seriously its rubbish....

Going to find a darkened room and lie down...

Friday, 22 July 2011

Another year over...

Its only at this point in the year where I realise that I have another year under my belt in teaching - 17 now...its getting to the point now where I realise I am moving from the been teaching a while group to the experienced teacher group...


Monday, 11 July 2011

Childish things still amuse me...

Afternoon Squire...private joke

I was sat thinking over lunch today about the things I used to do as a kid and how they seemed so funny at the time.  Thing is we grow up and life moves in and they become less funny - which is where Top Gear comes in and justifies the point its OK to be a big kid!

With that in mind I was reflecting on the fact we used to think of film titles and add the words 'in my pants' to the end of amused us and made me chuckle. my pants my pants my pants
Herbie goes to Monte Carlo....the list is endless and it doesn't get anymore intelligent that that!

So have fun...warning some are especially rude...and transformers is just weird????!!!

Sunday, 10 July 2011


Latest project is working on instigating a PBL - personalised based learning - curriculum for the Yr7's.

Interesting experience so far.  Main focus is looking at the idea of survival and the skills needed to survive new/difficult scenarios.

So currently creating ideas around surviving on a desert island linked into Robinson Crusoe in terms of literacy.  Next step to highlight the skills needed in order to survive on the island and seeing which would be useful to 'survive' in Yr7 at a new school.

Coming together OK but struggling to find a use for coconuts in yr7...I am sure one will come to me !

Update since January

Been a mad year so far. Most of my time has been spent sorting out things to do with change to Hans Price Academy from Wyvern School.  Been a mad time with lots to do but think I am getting on top of it - at the moment anyway.

So hopefully back on track and focused on updating this when and where possible...

Saturday, 9 July 2011

A dream fulfilled

As a child growing up I loved the stories of King Arthur and Camelot.  Recently, on a school visit to Chepstow Castle I finally achieved a childhood dream of being a knight.

They even gave me a sword! 

Excellent day and excellent fun!!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Superman Principle...

I love comic books.  I have a load of them over a variety of genres and titles and find it difficult to pick out favourites.  However, I have a soft spot for Superman.  It was the first comic book I ever bought and I love the films, Smallville, even the theme tune from the movies makes me smile...its just good fun.

Anyway I have noticed something the other day...I have called it the 'Superman Principle' and it goes like this.
How many times as teachers have we sat down and discussed a student with another member of staff and looked surprised when your vision of them is different to theirs?

Students react differently to different teachers, classrooms, subjects etc... we all know that but do we take it into consideration when teaching them? 

Where you are teaching 'Clark Kent' - all shy and retiring, hiding behind their glasses and hoping the world wont notice who they really are, your colleague is teaching 'Superman' - bold, confident and focused on achieving the goal in front of them.

By sharing your experiences with your colleagues you can build in the classroom opportunities needed to turn Clark into Superman.

We need to realise that teaching is all about the sharing of info  - no teacher is an island!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Got to...what?

I am really not a fan of most reality arty programmes. X-Factor leaves me cold and strictly can dance off as far as i am concerned!  There are far too many people who should be placed on a desert island on their own somewhere as they are so self absorbed its amazing (Cher Lloyd...Cheryl Cole...nuff said)

However, I have been won over by Got to Dance on Sky.  The judges are...well human and the acts really cool - and you don't have to sit through hours of bad ones just to make people laugh and further humiliate those who should be shielded from public abuse...

BUT its the kids who really hit me.  There are some amazing kids on this show and they just go for it!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  the question I would ask is how can we make our classrooms the same - an environment where they just go for it?

Its all about safety.  They know going out there that the judges aren't going to be cruel (Cowell) or stupid (Louis) or pointless human beings with less talent than them (Cheryl). 

So if you want kids to go for it and shine in your classrooms give them space to ... fail!  I have said it before but they need to know that failure is OK its a necessary part of learning how to succeed.  If they don't feel safe they wont step outside their comfort zone, they wont try, they wont experiment and they wont take risks.

Got to what?

Got to be a risk taker...only then will they build the confidence needed to fulfill the potential they have.