We were looking at the journey taken by the SS Empire Windrush from the West Indies to the UK and were looking in a couple of lessons time to create an empathy piece based around the journey.
Over previous lessons in Geography we had looked at migration and why people move, in History they have been looking at the Slave trade, in RE looking at prejudice and the Expressive Arts are also linked into the Slavery topic.
In order to see what they had learnt I placed the above subject names on the tables and we began to discuss what they had learnt they thought would be relevant. When they answered they had to hold up the name of the subject they had learnt that information in. It was slow to start but soon they were shooting up with their signs and even began to hold a couple of names up if they felt it crossed two (or more) subjects.
Afterwards I got them to do a review and add info into their books - colour coded in terms of subject - about the topic ready for the next few lessons...
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