Recently I have bought in a new marking system into the faculty which we have worked on and tweaked and involves using small red yellow and green stickers to mark work. The key to understanding these stickers is on a sheet in the front of their books and involves them answering some questions to self evaluate how they are doing and what they can do to improve.
All was working well until...8S3...this would need some thought!
I decided to herd them together in terms of the colour of the sticker achieved and see how it would go. So we had the red table..s and a yellow table.
To begin with they needed some nudging as to what to do and the TA in the room with me and I wandered round answering questions and keeping on task. Then it took off.
Someone on the red table said 'I don't know what to do to improve?' and before we could get there someone else on the table responded 'Oh I know you haven't...'
The conversation took off! They began to peer assess and evaluate and then cross table conversations started as the reds wanted to know what the yellows had done to get a yellow.
We just stood back and let it happen...quite an eye opener for the both of us and a great way to end the topic.
Wow, "Do you provide opportinities to review thier learning process?" YES. I'm certainly going to try this one.