Friday, 23 July 2010

A quiet goodbye...

I find it amazing how at the end of each school year the same routine happens. You have the excited students - except Yr11 who have realised that actually they didnt mind school and now want to stay! - the staff who are leaving and the foot being taken off the gas by those remaining who are knackered by this point!

Its a weird feeling. These are people you spend more of your year with than almost anyone else and now you wont see them for 5 weeks...not sure there is any other industry this happens in.

The end of the last day quietly winds its way to its conclusion with a few drinks and some speeches and then that awkward 'how long do we have to stay?' hanging around that happens.

Its been an interesting year. One of hope which ends in frustration and broken promises.

To any Yr11's who may catch up with this I wish you all the best. Each of you has the ability to be successful, chase your dreams and fight for what you want. May your successes all be large and more importantly you always be happy.

So I wish 2009-2010 a quiet goodbye and look towards year 2010-2011 hoping.


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