It's amazing when you stop and look around how much attention people pay to each other. Most people pass by the world in a daze focused only on the thing they have to do.
Eye contact is avoided and a nod or smile treated with suspicion in case you are trying to sell something or want them to complete a survey. The thought it could just be a nice gesture!
The thing is we hear all the time about how unsociable the youth of today are yet they are trained not to interact with other people. They watch as parents ignore people in the street or push past without excuse me's - it's all about learned behaviour.
A really good friend of mine has become a role model to me over the years as I have watched him raise his boys. He always involves them in conversations with all visitors, explains situations clearly, outlines manners etc...
They aren't perfect but they are respectful. I hope I can do as good a job as fatherhood comes my way.
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