Friday, 24 July 2009

Breaking down the walls of tradition...

Title sounds grand I know but thats just the attention seeking bit!

Really this isnt new I have been doing this for a long time - as have many others - but sometimes its good to throw the old stuff out!!

I have picked up a potentially difficult Yr8 class. Bottom set, low ability and self belief and probably moaned at everywhere.

So how do you approach it?

1. Agree classroom guidelines - start with listening to the teacher and ask them why this is important. Then allow them to set another 3 or 4 and write them in their books for reference in the coming year.

2. Check sheet - rewards and sanctions. I will create a large class list to go on the board which will have 3 columns - their names, positives, issues. Then every 10 minutes I will make a point of ticking the columns of those who have done well. I will also add a number in the issues column.
Why a number? Because they can then go back to the guidelines we set out and see which one they have slipped up on

3. Over the top positivity. Make sure that you are mega-positive about what they have done well and value every answer - its important they see they are doing well and experience what doing well feels like.

4. The 'carrot'. I have found in my experience that classes like this cannot last a whole hour lesson so have a 'carrot' (some would say bribe but hey ho!) ready. With me its a video. We start watching a film and they watch 10 minutes each lesson we get 50 minutes work.

Im not saying Im an expert or that its a perfect plan but its an idea that might help.

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