Saturday, 4 July 2009

Who's to blame when no-one speaks?

I have come to the conclusion that many students have an automatic shut down which takes place in their brains and they go into 'limp mode' where they bump along through the lesson doing the bare minimum though their potential is so much more.

So why?

Peer pressure is an obvious - if overused - answer. The fact students are intimidated by others in the class and the reaction outside of the room to their participation.

Fear of failure. Another obvious issue. We live in a world where results matter and the students know it. Some would rather be safely plodding through the lesson then raise their head above the parapet and potentially get shot down.

Poor self confidence. A badly worded reaction from another teacher to a wrong answer, a feeling of inadequacy away from school in their personal life (parents siblings saying they are no good) etc... will lead anyone to hide inside themselves as a defence mechanism to stop themselves from being hurt.

There are many more issues that can impact their willingness to respond. One I have had on my mind recently though is maybe they feel you dont deserve their contribution? Bit radical but think about it. We are surrounded by a world where excellence rules and things that grab their attention are all 'sparkly' and 'hi-tec' and 'fast moving' and 'new' and ... you get the drift?!?!

If our lessons are old and slow and boring and uninspiring maybe some students react with, 'well if you cant be bothered neither can I!'

Something to think about...

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